Did you know that...

  • ...about 90 U.S. crops depend on bees for pollination?
  • ...many hives are trucked from region to region for pollination purposes?
  • ...honeybee health is threatened by, among other things, mites?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

More of the kids...

So, in "Still Praying for Heat," you met Jesse, grandbaby #6 of 10.

I'm sure you'll have fun meeting #'s 7 and 9, Evan and his new brother Kingston.

Evan is two now and whenever possible loves to have a good romp with Grampa.

Of course, I like to make sure he gets a chance to see the world through my eyes every once in awhile!

Being as proud as any of the rest of you grandparents out there, you'll see that from time to time I have to let some of the grandbaby news slip in here.

Whereas all of these little ones are miracles to us, Kingston, in his short four months has had more than his share of time at the doctor's and in the hospital. But just look at him now! Not to worry, he's catching up on the good times. And for this, we hereby give all glory and honor and praise the Lord Jesus, The Healer!

Signing off,

Bees Keeper

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